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Survivor stories

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The terrorists were at our doorstep. I sat there with my son, petrified

  • Maayan S.'s story

Tons of terrorists under our building, and I kept my poker face because of my children

The residents of Sderot woke up in a panic on Saturday morning, October 7th, from the sirens and explosions!

I scream to my husband to bring our 3-year-old from our bed. We go into the shelter where my 4-year-old is still sleeping. we don’t understand what’s happening. The sounds of the missiles reside and we hear echoes of gunshots.

We still don’t understand what’s going on.

After half an hour of being inside the shelter, I go to the bathroom and take my cellphone, only then realizing the magnitude of the horror occurring! Infiltration of Sderot and neighbor towns and communities, mass murder... And I need to remain with a poker face because of my children.

And then we see tens of terrorists under our building

After 3 hours in the shelter, we went upstairs to our neighbors on the 5th floor, since we live on the ground floor and didn’t want to be easy targets. During this whole time, we’re seeing and hearing everything that is happening, pictures being sent on WhatsApp… and then we see tens of soldiers under our building, going into every one of the surrounding buildings one by one.

On Saturday night we went back down to our house, the kids couldn’t handle being in someone else’s home for so long.

From that moment, we spent 3 days in complete lockdown.

The whole house was locked, shutters closed, no air to breathe, and the children were banging their heads against the wall from boredom. Even they got fed up with watching TV.

On Monday we managed to make it out, with the police escorting us.

From the moment we left, my foot has not come off the gas pedal!! Only when I was from enough from the city.

My heart is shattered and my head won’t stop pounding because my eyes are constantly swollen…

Maayan S.

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